New Building Donations

We are honored that the Foundation has chosen to partner with Recycle Livingston and support our efforts to protect the environment for future generations, by being a major sponsor of our project to build a permanent office building in 2018.  Donations are gladly welcome and will be matched dollar for dollar by the Kellogg Foundation so your donations will go twice as far.  

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Annaliese Gottschalk
Changes in Recycle Livingston’s Television and  Electronics Collection Schedule and Fee's

We have been advised that effective March 1, 2016, the fees charged to Recycle Livingston to have televisions and computer monitors responsibly recycled are increasing significantly and that new fees, for the other electronics we collect and recycle, are being added. As a result, the Board of Directors has determined that the following changes in our Electronics Collection fees will be the only way we can continue to accept and recycle such items.

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Annaliese Gottschalk